Passionate About History
During the winter of 1989/90, at the suggestion of Blacon Project, the Workers Education Association (WEA) provided a course of ten classes to study the history of Blacon. This resulted in the formation of the Blacon History Group [BHG] by the following members:-
John Addison, Bert Buckley, Jeanne Downes , Bill Dowswell , Audrey Harding , Jan Hore (WEA Tudor, Organiser) ,Connie Leigh , Mavis Nattrass (Secretary) , Ena Phillips , Gill Smith, Ken Stockbridge ,Jane Walsh ,Tom Warrington , John A Willey ,Joan Woods.
This first Blacon history publication Blacon Past and Present was published in 1990 and covered Blacon’s history from the earliest Domesday entries in 1086 until the early 1990s.
I was very fortunate to be involved in a background role providing technical and administrative support. The Group’s enthusiasm and dedication particularly from my late farther –in-law John Addison inspired me to continue my interest in Blacon and Chester’s history.
As a result of continual interest shown by Blacon’s residents relating to the original publication “Blacon Past and Present” , a small group met in February 2002 to discuss the possibilities of producing an updated version. This resulted in the formation of a second BHG who all contributed to the second publication and the members consisted of:-
John Addison, Morag Calder, Dave Cartwright, Coralline Fox, Joanne Machin, Joe Rose, Norman Stainthorp, Etty Thompson, Alan Willey, Ted White
BHG were also received special help, advice and assistance from the excellent Chester Community History and Heritage Team.
After initial research and meetings with the Chester team it became apparent that a different style of publication should be followed and”Blacon within Living Memory” was published in 2005 which concentrated on Blacon’s history from the 1940s -2000s.
However things went very quiet for BHG until the spring of 2019 when the two remaining members of the Group Norman Stainthorp and Dave Cartwright were approached and challenged by Alan Smith another Blacon resident to revisit Blacon’s history but this time to recapture it digitally for posterity.
So the “Phoenix Has Risen” and the saga continues.
The Team
BHG Chair
Alan Smith
Tel: 07932556062
I have lived in Blacon for most of life and I am a former pupil of Dee Point and Blacon High School.
I worked locally as a printer for many years before changing my profession in early 2004 .I changed my profession to Audio-visual and IT in 2004 due to changes in printing methods.
In 2015 I helped a team of local volunteers set up the Here and Now Social Enterprise in the Blacon area. With my lifelong interest in history I was very interested in the idea of getting the Blacon History Group of the ground again and with the help of others managed to get the group running again recently.
Blacon has a rich and diverse history which lies there waiting to be both discovered and re-discovered. Our aim is to make this happen using the resources available to us and working with the Community.
I am confident we all benefit greatly from learning about the history of our Community
BHG Admin & Treasurer
Dave Cartwright
Tel: 07854681886
I have been a Blacon resident for over 67 years and attended Highfield Junior School. I have always had an interest in History and in 1989 I was very fortunate to be involved in a background role providing technical and administrative support to the first BHG group. As a result we published the first Blacon History publication called “Blacon Past and Present” in 1990.The Group’s enthusiasm and dedication inspired me to continue my interest in Blacon and Chester’s history. Consequently in 2002 a small group of us met and in 2005 produced a second publication called ” Blacon within Living History”. In 2019 BHG decided to revisit Blacon’s history but this time to recapture it digitally for posterity….so the “Phoenix Has Risen” and the saga continues.
BHG Chief Historian
Norman Stainthorp
The name of the Association shall be the Blacon History Group
- To capture and permanently record digitally the memories, thoughts of local residents and members for posterity, promote the interests of local residents
- To maintain and manage the Blacon History Group website and Social media sites to help promote and stimulate an interest in our local history and keep them informed about events, meetings including presentations etc.
- To co-operate with any committee/groups set up by the Government, Local Authorities and other bodies, to further the interests of the Blacon History Group members
- To take whatever steps required to assist Local Authority schools and other educational establishments by providing educational support, advice and acquired knowledge relating to our local history and associated global history and environmental subjects.
- To arrange lectures, film shows, demonstrations, competitions and other social events
- To take out a public liability insurance policy to safeguard, protect the members from damage and theft, where possible when participating in events etc
- To arrange lectures, film shows, demonstrations, competitions and other social events.
- To co-operate with other local history groups and associations in matters of mutual interest.
The Blacon History Group shall consist of all persons who are current registered members of the Blacon History Group Facebook group together with their spouses/partners
Every member shall pay an annual subscription, the amount of which will be decided by a General Meeting. The initial subscription for 2020/21 shall be £1 per year. Subscriptions will be payable in advance
The Officers shall be a Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary. They shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting. Retiring Officers shall be eligible for re-election.
The affairs of the Blacon History Group will be conducted by a Committee of Management of not less than 3 members. The Committee will retire at the Annual General Meeting but will be eligible for re-election. Casual vacancies shall be filled by the Committee and the members so appointed shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting. A quorum at Committee meetings shall be not less than 3 members.
In times of National or local crises the current Committee members and co-opted members shall have authority to take whatever action is necessary to safeguard and ensure the efficient running and continuation of the Blacon History Group.
The Annual General Meeting, of which seven days’ notice shall be given and at which the audited accounts and Secretary’s report shall he submitted and the officers for the ensuing year elected.
Ten members shall form a quorum, and in the case of equal voting, the Chair shall have a casting vote.
If a Special General Meeting is necessary, it must be called by a minimum of ten members at Committee or a General Meeting. Ten members shall form a quorum, and in the case of equal voting, the Chair shall have a casting vote. Voting shall be on the basis of one vote per member Members will be notified in advance of any proposed changes to the Constitution, which will be discussed and voted on at a General Meeting.
No party political, sectarian or ecclesiastical discussions shall be raised or resolutions proposed at either a Committee or General Meeting.
The committee shall open a banking account in the name of the Blacon History Group and all monies received from any source on behalf of the Blacon History Group shall be paid into such account. Cheques shall be signed by two out of two signatories. Blacon History Group funds will not be spent by the Committee other than to pay for associated activities etc. deemed by the Committee.
There shall be appointed an Auditor who is not a member of the Committee, to audit the accounts and submit a report to the Annual General Meeting
If there should be a resolution passed by more than 10 present at a General Meeting to dissolve the Blacon History Group any remaining funds should be paid to the Chester History &Heritage or such Charity the meeting should determine.
Constitution agreed at a special Covid 19 meeting held on 30th March 2020
CHAIR [Alan Smith]
SECRETARY[Norman Stainthorp ] Acting during Covid 19 period
Norman Stainthorp
TREASURER [David Cartwright]
Dave Cartwright